Just when you think you've seen it all...a woman driving in the car next to me was USING HER CURLING IRON!! I mean, in traffic. As in, busy traffic. Not stopped at a red light, either. What was she thinking? Don't we have enough problems in the world without having to risk getting hit on the road because some yahoo didn't give herself 5 extra minutes to get ready in the morning? What is wrong with these people?!? Whew. Glad to get that out.
In other news, before that, I was helping out at the school for the Nature Keepers program...what a wonderful way to get kids outdoors and into the garden. Pulling weeds, planting seedlings, shoveling mulch for pathways, all during their recess time. The science teacher takes 3 kids from each class on a volunteer basis. They just love it! One of the 2nd graders told me, "This is way more funner than regular recess." Way more funner indeed.
A recipe for today? Easy, easy side dish for tonight -- Moroccan spiced carrots. One pound of carrots, fairly thinly sliced and boiled, 3 T olive oil (lately I am loving the Spanish extra virgin olive oil from Trader Joe's), 1 T apple cider vinegar, a sprinkle of cumin and smoked paprika. Salt and pepper of course. Mix, taste, and try to save some for everybody else.
Shabbat Shalom!
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