Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today is the one year anniversary of Aaron's Type 1 diabetes diagnosis.  To say that I'm in need of a little comfort is an understatement.  I'm trying not to think about it too much, but it's there, in the foreground, in the background, in the middle ground, and the harder I try not to think about it the more I seem to.  To think about how far we've all come this year, how our lives were turned upside down, and how I feel like just in the past few weeks we're starting to turn right side up again.  This has all to do with Aaron.  He is so strong, so willing, so brave, and shows such maturity for this beyond his years, sometimes I can hardly believe it.  People say to me, "Oh, it must not be so bad because he has you as an example" but that's not nearly true.  It's the opposite.  Sure, the knowledge is there, but for me it's just that much harder because he has me as an example.  With all of my highs and lows, good days and bad days, moodiness, crabbiness...I should try to set that aside, farther to the side than I do.  I feel like I need to do a better job of just being the mom, not the mom who also has diabetes.  I need to support him better in the ways that he needs me to, as a growing 11 year old boy.  In the ways that I should know how to.  And while I still feel a lot of guilt (I know I shouldn't, but I do), mostly what I feel today is pride because he is so healthy, so active, so courageous.  He continues to take this all in such stride and hasn't let it stop him for anything, or slow him down in any way.

So here's to the kid who can do it all.  Just a few days ago he had the hockey game to beat all hockey games, with a hat trick and a Gordie Howe hat trick.  3 goals, 1 assist, and a fight that an opposing kid started by knocking down our goalie after the whistle.  Aaron as the great protector, got hit in the head and a 2 minute roughing penalty (so did the other kid), but fought back because he is such a good teammate and sportsman.   I'm really proud of him for that.  (And glad he didn't get hurt.) And looking ahead to tonight's science fair.  He is so proud of all the hard work that he did on it, really taking initiative and true interest in his project.  Having C. and I. help him along the way.

Aaron's strength, bravery, and diligence are providing me with comfort today.  But still, I thought I would include this recipe, which comes from our friend Gina, who has provided me with so much comfort during this past year.

Miss Gina's Taco Soup

Saute 2 small onions with 2-3 cloves of garlic in a bit of canola oil.  Today I added 1/2 a zucchini and 2 carrots, since I didn't have any red peppers as Gina's original recipe calls for.  Cook that down and add 2 cans of beans (1 red and 1 black, or whatever you've got, today it was some leftover black eyed peas and 1 can of red), 2 cans of diced tomatoes and a good heaping tablespoon of taco seasoning.  Next add water or bean broth, if you've got it, cook it down awhile, then let it cool and puree it.  Serve with taco chips, shredded cheese and lettuce, dolloped with sour cream.  Pure comfort.

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