Salt and pepper. Bread and butter. Peanut butter and chocolate. Simple things, that's what it's about. This might be a place to share, this might be a place to rant, not sure what it will be. Not even sure how to use all the gizmos yet. So it's a starting off point, a work in progress.
So here are today's things that make me happy: beans for breakfast, yes, you heard it here first, folks. Remembering when little I. said "whipped cream is my favorite vegetable", and seeing brand new babies less than 1 day old. Things that tick me off, still, are the mom in the big huge shiny SUV who parks in the disabled parking space at school when she's running late at pickup. And if Ina Garten sticks her chicken-y fingers into the salt and pepper one more time, I will absolutely scream.
Maybe I'll try to include a recipe with each post, since lately that's what I'm doing. My latest obsession is with raw brussels sprouts. I know it sounds weird, gross even, especially if you don't like brussels sprouts or don't think that you like them. But raw and crunchy, this is more a slaw than anything else. Here are the basics: brussels sprouts, trimmed and cleaned of course and sliced really thin into shreds, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, parmesan, and lots of black pepper. As in, just when you think you've got enough pepper in there, put in some more. Toss it all around, then taste. Probably needs another squeeze of lemon and yup, more pepper. This is really good at room temperature or just slightly warm.
So that's it for today. I guess all that's left to do is click publish, right? Here goes nothing...
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