Wednesday, May 23, 2012

invasion of the body snatchers

Well, not really.  But this was the first thing I thought of yesterday as I was gardening.  More specifically, pulling up roots to make way for our brand new vegetable box, which matches the other one we had installed last summer.  So now we've got plenty of room to grow all the lovely summer tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, radishes, eggplants, and whatever vegetables that we'd like.  Tons of fun for me and I love doing it.

But let me get back to the root pulling.  We have had an invasion of Chinese lantern plants since we've lived in this house, almost 10 years now, that's been getting worse and worse.  They take over everything.  The lawn, the flower beds, the edging.  They are relentless.  And deep.  And beautiful to look at, starting with the white blossoms to the bright orange lanterns to the deep orange papery shells that they become.  But oh, those roots. So there I am, about an hour into pulling, and pulling, and pulling, and pulling some more, when I think Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  I've never seen that movie, but I'm only thinking that somehow, from somewhere deep below the surface, one of these *&^%$#! roots is going to jump right out and swallow me whole.  They seem to be never ending.  They're under the foundation of the house, in the grass, everywhere.  I just read online that they grow extremely well in large containers.  Well, yeah, but not if that container is your whole back yard!  I have very strong feelings about these plants.

So when I asked the landscapers to pull some of the other weeds, I wasn't home and they pulled ALL of the Chinese lanterns out, but of course only from the surface.  That's why I'm going down and trying to get all of the roots that I can -- and I'm sure what I can't get will grow back over the summer.  I'm ok with some of them, just not everywhere.  And still undecided about what to put in their place.  But that's for later.

Chinese lanterns, Chinese food...see how they're related?  The best Chinese chicken I've ever made has got to be this soy sauce poached chicken.  It comes out extremely moist and packed with flavor, and I keep using the broth over and over, freezing it in between, skimming off any fat, and then adding to it.  Here it is.

soy sauce poached chicken
(adapted from 3 Hungry Tummies)

1 whole chicken, about 3 pounds

1 1/2 cups soy sauce
6 cups of water
1/4 cup of sugar
1 cup of chinese cooking wine
2-3 inch knob of ginger, sliced
3 garlic cloves
1 scallion
1 cinnamon stick
2 star anise
1 tsp of Sichuan peppercorns

Marinate chicken with soy and aromatics for 20 minutes, if you've got time.  I've done it without marinating first and it's just as good, and fewer dishes to wash.

Prepare the poaching broth by boiling everything in a pot for 30 minutes.

Then, put chicken in breast side down and bring it back to a boil, cover and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover and let the chicken steep until the broth has cooled down.  Once it's cool, lift it out carefully (it's super juicy) and cut it up as you'd like.  Strain and keep the broth to use again, or make rice with it instead of water.  Just delicious.

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